W15000 피임기구 실습세트


특 징 (Features)

- 학교 및 교육기관의 성교육에 활용 가능한 실습 세트

- 다음과 같은 구성


남성 성기 모형

자궁경부 캡

경구피임제 견본

기초체온법 안내 매뉴얼



Contraceptive case

Graphic teaching material for sex education in schools, out of school youth employment and adult education. The contraceptive case was designed and developed from practical experience. It is suitable for educating about current contraceptives.
Replacement teaching material can be ordered at any time.
The contraceptive case contains the following items:
• Condom
• Steroper penis
• Diaphragm
• Cervical cap
• Intrauterine cap
• Sample packages of pills
• Tables for temperature methods

The components of the contraceptive case can deviate from the list on delivery because individual visual aids can be updated or replaced by other products.