치질 모형 K27 [1000315]

ㆍ실물 크기 직장의 전면부 모형
ㆍ양각부조 모형 포함
ㆍ직장의 해부학적 구조(괄약근점막정맥총), 내·외치질 표현
14 x 10 x 14 cm; 0.2 kg


Hemorrhoid Model

A vivid hemorrhoid model designed to educate patients and students about hemorrhoids. The anatomy model is a life-size frontal section of the rectum as well as a smaller relief on a pedestal. In addition to the anatomical structures of the rectum (sphincter, mucous membrane, venous plexus), the model shows internal hemorrhoids during stage I and II as well as external hemorrhoids. The relief exhibit shows hemorrhoids during stage III and IV. The high quality anatomy hemorrhoid model is mounted on base.