A29/3 [1000067]

구순구개열(입술입천장갈림증) 두개골 모형  



A. 특 징 (Features)


     - 구순구개열 두개골

     - 왼쪽 두개골 절반에 중증 기형 표현

     - 29개의 치아 표현


B. 규 격 (Specifications)


     - 28 x 23 x 19.5 cm / 0.8 kg



Human Skull Model with Cleft Jaw and Palate


This skull model depicts a male with a severe malformation of the left skull half with a cleft jaw and palate. The one-part skull has 29 teeth and is natural cast. 

  • High-quality original casts
  • Skull with cleft jaw and palate is hand made of hard, unbreakable plastic
  • Highly accurate representation of the fissures, foramina, processes, sutures etc.

This skull with cleft jaw and palate is great for teaching and learning about medical malformations of the human skull.