A. 특 징 (Features)
- 정상 흉추와 골다공증이 있는 흉추를 비교

- 11번과 12번 흉추가 표현

- 골다공증의 순차적인 진행과 좁아진 추간판을 보여줌

- 중앙 절반이 자석으로 탈부착 가능

- 추체의 골절 표현

- 뼈의 퇴행성 변화 표현

- 골생검을 통해 얻어진 3D micro CT 상의 이미지 스탠드에 부착

- 병변이 있는 뼈와 정상 뼈의 골밀도 비교 

B. 규 격 (Specifications)

          14 x 9 x 10 cm; 0.2 kg

Impressive didactic model for comparing osteoporotic and normal thoracic vertebrae.  Ideal for medical studies and patient consultation.  The 11th and 12th thoracic vertebrae are shown.

Reproductions of sequential osteoporotic thoracic vertebrae with narrower intervertebral disc are located on the left of the stand.  The upper vertebra is divided in the middle.  The magnetically attached vertebral half can be removed easily to show the cut surfaces.  This allows clear visualization of the fractured upper part of the vertebral body caused by sintering, i.e. collapse of the bony substance in the course and as a result of osteoporosis.  Degenerative changes in the bone, manifested as osteophytes, are also identifiable.

For comparison, reproductions of two corresponding healthy vertebrae with intervertebral disc are provided on the right side.  One half of the upper vertebral body is magnetically attached and can be removed.

A detail illustration on the base depicts two 3D micro CT images obtained from bone biopsies. These illustrate the microacrchitecture of the osteoporotic bone, which has a lower bone density compared to healthy bone.