A. 특  징 (Features) 

- 새롭게 출시된 고급형 팔꿈치관절 모형

- 상완골, 완전척골, 반경 부분으로 구성

- 받침대에 부착됨

B. 규  격 (Specifications)
  33 cm / 0.33 kg

This high-quality functional elbow joint model of a naturally-sized right joint with ligaments shows the anatomy and possible physiological movements (e.g. abductions, anteversion, retroversion, internal and external rotation) in exceptional detail. The color of the natural-cast bones of the elbow joint is extremely realistic. The cartilage on the elbow joint surfaces is marked blue. The elbow joint consists of a stump of the upper arm, ulna and radius. Functional elbow joint mounted on a base.